Al-Anon and Alateen meetings are accessible worldwide.
Below is our 'Where & When Brochure,' which contains a complete list of all meetings within our District. If you are new to Al-Anon we recommend you go to different meetings until you find the right meeting for you. Then try to attend at least six times before you decide if Al-anon is right for you. In every meeting, you will encounter individuals who are willing to share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with others.
District 6 Information Line 407-457-2372
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the "Where and When"
Below is our 'Where & When Brochure,' which contains a complete list of all meetings within our District. If you are new to Al-Anon we recommend you go to different meetings until you find the right meeting for you. Then try to attend at least six times before you decide if Al-anon is right for you. In every meeting, you will encounter individuals who are willing to share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with others.
District 6 Information Line 407-457-2372
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the "Where and When"
Stay Calm and Get to a Meeting
We are proud to share that District 6 has 35 different Meetings.